As mentioned in the last post (so long ago!), a cat of mine had kittens. Two. A high-pitched mew coming from the top shelf of my closet alerted me to the fact that Boots, the orange cat, had not only been in the family way, but had given birth to a single, scrunchy-faced kitten. Later, at 2 a.m., out dropped the second one. Naturally, in light of such excitement, I was all up my cat's uterus with my camera.
Here she is, Emmy on the left shooting a "Do you mind?!" in my direction.
P.S. Let me clarify that our previous landlady was convinced that Emmy was pregnant, due to her...well, she's definitely a meo beo. No Vietnamese kitty is so spoiled as Emmy, even though we constantly dangle things in front of her, hoping to get her to move. Mostly she just flops over, like it's not even worth the effort to mock us. Anyways, Emmy's been to the vet and back, and for a while we thought Boots was infertile, since the whole "in heat" phase kind of passed under our radar.
P.P.S. Isn't it peculiarly awesome that "fat cat" and "meo beo" both rhyme?