Saturday, April 07, 2007

Will Speak for Snacks

One of the difficulties of being just barely fluent enough to comprehend simple commands but not actually express yourself is that people tend to treat you like a pet. Conversational interaction consists of the following: calling your name for lunch, smiles and pats, and there’s a lot of miming and gestures involved. Case in point: a while back, two of my coworkers were waiting on motorbikes for another guy to show up so we could all go to lunch. I’m perched on the back on a bike, and out of the corner of my eye I see co-worker #3 on a corner ahead of us.

I tap the guy in front of me, pointing with my arm and begin stammering out, “He’s waiting over there.”

The co-worker looks at my outstretched arm: “Hm? He’s up there? Yeah? Oh yeah, he is! Good girl!” And then he gave me a Scooby snack.

1 comment:

Juli said...

hah, atleast you get a scooby snack. I get a smile if i'm lucky.