Saturday, June 23, 2007

Secretly Related to Stephen Fry.

"Hannah! You will NOT believe what I just saw on Pho Hue!"

Hannah is not easily ruffled.

"I was on my bike, and I saw these two guys, and the one sitting behind stood UP, and it looked like he was fighting the other guy on the bike! I was afraid they were drunk and going to splat in front of me and--"

"Vietnamese Fire Drill, right?"


"When two people on a bike switch places, from passenger to driver. Like a Chinese Fire Drill, where people get out of a car, then crowd back inside so they're sitting in different places when they drive off."


I don't even bother asking how she knows, because Hannah knows everything. If if she really doesn't, her cut-glass English accent makes it seem like she does. The trouble living with smart and worldly people is that most of our conversations go like that.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


It was an ordeal, and at times I thought, "Oh, you've jumped in way over your head" but it was worth it.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Details to Follow

I am going to Thai Binh next Thursday, for something that sounds a lot more impressive than it actually is. What I will actually be doing is swabbing the inside of a woman's cheek. A woman who initially was described as "weak-minded" and homeless. I hope that this is not a polite way of saying "schizophrenic" and "possibly violent".