Friday, March 02, 2007


I'm on a snack-fueled posting blitz tonight. Vietnam is a haven in terms of delicious snackfoods, and I'm been gorging myself silly on fruits that required a three hour trip to Canada back home. I'm not a particularly discriminatory consumer either, as any of my former roommates will readily attest to my ability to inhale tons of food at a sitting while reading or studying, and then suddenly realize that I've eaten three king-size bags of potato chips. This isn't to say that I have no compunctions about food; I've balked at adding whole scorpion to my soup. Another food that I've been wary of is the corn-flavored sweet. There is a bewilderingly wide array of corn-flavored items available at the supermarket; corn is recast from a savory staple cream! popsicles! Corn-shaped lollipops! Little cream-filled cakelets shaped like ears of corn!

Obviously, Nathan approves:

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