Monday, April 09, 2007

Most Unpleasant, De La Thanh

De La Thanh is almost certainly the most unpleasant street in Hanoi. It's a long, long street populated with furniture shops; shops that are in businesses involving welding, power tools, and lots of sawdust. There are people sending blinding sparks into the road, operating very heavy machinery, and trucks pulling in and out with furniture deliveries. I went looking for a table the other day and almost passed out.

That said, it's also the quickest way to work, barring some illegal traffic manuevers. I snapped this photos on the back of a xe om, a motorbike taxi. Some days De La Thanh will be so crowded that xe om drivers will refuse to take the route, opting to drive the wrong way up another a major arterial road instead.

P.S. yes, I have a helmet. Sometimes I like to pretend that I am a space cowboy.


Anonymous said...

where is you and your motorbike taxi

Anonymous said...

i'm baiting you with prom pics so you'll come online and we can chat =P

Anonymous said...

this is stef *embarrassed face*