Thursday, July 05, 2007

I wish I was a Ninja.

Wow. No sooner do I express contentment than Life hits me with...many things. It's like Life laid out a slick assortment of weaponry and selected "dingy pants", "whining cats", "spoiling lychees", "nothing in the fridge except beer", "suspicious Russian cheese", "rude security guards", "brazen cockroaches" and "unfortunate tanlines".

Okay, so Life hasn't exactly been a Greek tragedy.

What it has been is a lot of work, and work outside of work. One of the times when I do not work is when I'm riding my motorbike. One of my favourite times of day is when I'm pulling onto a particular stretch of road near my house and gun the engine as fast I dare. (Not that fast at all, mom and dad.) I can't even begin to imagine how it would feel if I had a proper motorcycle and say, Montana to tool around in. My brain can only come up with approximations like "Joan Didion called to say good job" or "Bumping in Hugh Laurie in the self-help section".

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