Friday, October 12, 2007

50,000 Words

For the past few weeks I've been hanging out in the teachers' room at Nathan's school, mostly because I happened to have a lot of free time. That was spent mostly dinking around with some new programs, or maybe subtitling. What I was really doing, though, was putting off what I always imagined I'd do when I found myself with substantial blocks of free time; obviously, that'd be producing a staggering work of genuis, or napping.

I do think I should take more naps, by the way.

What's about nice about wanting to be continually motivated and inspired is that I'm pretty much surrounded by people who pretty much amaze me everyday. For Friday's Example of Amazingness, my housemate, Hannah, cobbled together a band she insists is "jazz funk" and two months later they played a gig at an annual charity fundraiser, overcoming truly ridiculous obstacles (bassist broke his ankle 48 hours before, and another drummer had to go back Australia on short notice). It didn't matter; at the end people were dancing and generally having a great time and begging for encores until Jess, the lead singer, simply said "We have no more."

It also helped that, in their moment of need, Dan, an unassuming Canadian, mentioned that he was a classically trained guitarist. Those Canadians and their modest ways...

Despite being surrounded, I still yet have written anything like I used to in college. (This, of course, is maybe a good thing.) More accurately, I've not yet sat down and seriously tried to do anything creative. Good thing Hannah has roped us all in to National Novel Writing Month then.

As the name suggests, we're taking on the insane task of producing a novel in a month. The guidelines require that the finished products (ha!) need to be at least 50,000 words long (ha!).

I think that it is likely that I will be napping less.

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