must have been where August and September disappeared to, because I blinked in July while on a plane and opened my eyes to find that I'm more than a quarter of the way through October. The other day I caught myself absently wondering when the weather changed, for the rainier, the muggier, the Seattler.
It's kind of nice.
I've taken to liberally drinking coffee mixed with condensed milk. Less you wonder how this is any different from my normal routine, let me explain; it's Vietnamese coffee. I used to steal my father's mug of coffee as he read the newspaper and I read the Sunday comics. In college, on the Ave, I ordered a Vietnamese-style coffee at a specialty tea and coffee cafe because I had never before seen Vietnamese coffee advertised as being Vietnamese, like it was something unusual or hand-roasted by Colombian priestesses. The barista hesitated before warning me that a cup of the Vietnamese coffee was equivalent to six shots of expresso.
I had always wondered why Starbucks coffee never really seemed to induce a caffeine high.
At any rate, despite (or perhaps because of) this longstanding history with strong coffee, I don't remember drinking an awful lot of it in college. Mostly I preferred sports drinks and banana-flavored steamed milk. Unfortunately banana milk isn't packed full of stimulants, and lately I've been leaping before looking and running before walking, so this fall is looking pretty crazy. Crazy dangerous.
I'll have you know that I've become considerably less clumsy.
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